
Tips to Help 你的 Prepare for Bariatric Surgery

Weight-loss surgery requires preparation far in advance and care long after 这个过程. 减肥手术 is 这个过程 performed on a patient’s stomach or intestines 诱导体重减轻. It is the collective term for weight-loss surgeries — sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric banding, lap banding, and 胃旁路手术. These surgeries reduce the amount of food you can eat by making your stomach smaller.

Many people seek bariatric surgery for obesity and its related health conditions, while others seek it for cosmetic reasons. Whatever your reasons, here are five tips to help you prepare for bariatric surgery. 记住 that you may want to start preparing for your surgery six weeks ahead of time.

1. 做好调查

Preparing for bariatric surgery 需要时间. 你的 卫生保健提供者 will be the one to recommend which surgery is best for you. 做好调查 to understand how each one works, the result, and which one is best for 你的需求. Do not be afraid to get a second opinion. 许多人找到了安慰 in consulting various doctors, seminars, or books when making such a major 手术的决定.

Know that to be eligible for weight-loss surgery, you must qualify. Body 质量指数或 BMI for bariatric surgery is recommended to be at 40 or higher, or between the 35 and 40 range, with an obesity-related condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease.

Next, it will be important to understand the risks and side effects. Of course, all medical procedures involve some risks, which vary based on your health, age, genetics, weight, and more. But surgery is recommended when the benefits outweigh the risks. Knowing these risks beforehand will help you make the best choice for you.

减肥手术 can have the following various risks:

  • 感染
  • 肠阻塞
  • Need for follow-up surgeries
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • 内出血
  • 胃酸倒流

Again, research is crucial. Knowing these risks can help you prepare for 会发生什么.

2. Alter your diet and daily caloric intake

Aside from your 卫生保健提供者, it would help if you also met with your dietitian or nutritionist. Discuss your goals and plan for your post-surgery diet. 毕竟,它 将会改变. Pre-diet for bariatric surgery requires lowering your daily caloric intake before your operation. 这 will help your body and brain understand your food and drink intake pre-surgery 和对象.

It is also recommended that you avoid caffeine about one month before your surgery.

You also may have to be on a liquid diet for a few weeks after surgery. Thus, it is crucial you prepare yourself—and your fridge—for 这. Broths such as vegetable, chicken, or beef are a good choice, as are low-calorie protein shakes or yogurts. And with diet also comes exercise.

3. Start and maintain a workout routine

锻炼是关键. Start and maintain a workout routine — twice a week or every day — before your surgery. Routine is necessary when it comes to developing a habit. Start before your surgery so your body is used to it, and be sure to maintain the routine post-surgery.

4. 潇洒地包

减肥手术 must-haves include your usual hospital essentials: chap stick (dry mouth is common because you can’t eat or drink when you have surgery), socks, cozy clothes, chargers, headphones, any medical devices you use such as a CPAP machine, your ID card, insurance card, and so on.

5. 建立善后服务

Finally, make sure your logistics are in order. 一定要设置好你的 follow-up appointments on time. Have a family member or friend take care of you those first few days.

Research and preparation are crucial to bariatric surgery. 选择供应商 就像在 弗拉格勒健康你所信任的.
